Coated Hooklink Material

If you like to fish with uncoated or coated hooklink material, we’ve got just the two products for you to choose from. Take a look at Silk Trap braid. This uncoated braid could be the perfect hooklink material for you. Its an extremely supple and low diameter rig material, sinks fast and is very smooth to touch and will follow the contours of the lake bed with ease. As for coated hooklink material, Tungsta Flex has an extremely tough matt finished coating which is impregnated with tungsten to make sure it sinks to the lake bed quickly. The coating keeps the rig from tangling during extreme casts. The semi-stiff material keeps the rig in position at all times, ideal if you are dealing with crayfish or small catfish. The core is extremely supple and is made in the same matt finish as the outer coating.

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