How to make a CHOD rig
The CHOD is hot and the favorite of many carp anglers these days. Pole Position has all the materials in the range for making effective CHOD rigs.
Step 1 – Kick back is my favorite material for making chods and ‘boom/stiff’ sections. Start with approximately 20 cm.
Order your Kick Back Boom Chod Filament
Step 2 – The Chod-X has a straight point (with a micro barb) a medium long shank and a slightly inturned hook eye. This hook is extremely aggressive. The material used for these chod/stiff rigs is normally quite thick, but because of the extra big hook eye of the Chod-X you will have no problems when tying these rigs.
The Chod-X is the ideal hook for the chod!
Step 3 – Insert the Kick Back through the front of the hook eye.
Step 4 – Wrap the Kick Back 6 to 7 turns around the hook shank and insert it from back to front through the hook eye.
Step 6 – Insert Kick Back from the back of the hook eye to the front.
Step 7 – Use a lighter to burn the material and create a thickening.
Step 8 – Use a Pole Position QC Chod Tungsten Sleeve, this has been designed to be combined with our QC Chod Swivel and gives you the opportunity to swap your chod rig within seconds. To do this, there’s no need to remove your swivel from your mainline/leader. Next to that, the sleeve offers extra weight to the chod rig which helps to keep your pop-up close to the lake bed.
Step 9 – Take one of our crimps and insert the Kick Back through the crimp.
Step 10 – Pull the Kick Back back through the crimp and create a small loop.
Step 11 – Use the crimp tool to fasten the crimp.
Step 12 – The QC Chod Tungsten Sleeve slides perfectly over the crimp.
Step 13 – Mount a pop-up on the Bait Screw and you are ready to go!
Good luck!
Team Pole Position