Team angler

Dennis Hellings

Date of birth: 04-11-1988

Quick Questions

1Favourite venue?

Big public French lakes, Belgium canals and rivers

2Favourite season of the year?

Autumn, no doubt about it!

3Pre-baited spot of instant fishing?

Pre-baited spot if it's possible

4Favourite rig?

35 lb tungstaflex combi rig with QC Heavy Sinker L and hook size 4

5Favourite PolePosition item?

Central Shocker Inline Lead in 6 or 4oz

6Personal Best?


7Three things you wouldn’t go fishing without?

Tungstaflex 30lb, QC Heavy SInkers size L and short Fixalingers.

Team angler

Dave van der Valk

Date of birth: 20-07-1986

Quick Questions

1Favourite venue?

All kinds of water, rivers, lakes, canals, public waters and commercial lakes

2Favourite season of the year?


3Pre-baited spot of instant fishing?

Most of the time instant

4Favourite rig?

Multi-rig of combi-rig

5Favourite PolePosition item?

Tungsta Flex 20lb, Weight Screws and the Tungsten Line Aligners

6Personal Best?

58lbs common

7Three things you wouldn’t go fishing without?

Baitboat, coffee maker and my camera

Team angler

Pieter van de Werfhorst

Date of birth: 27-12-1981

Quick Questions

1Favourite venue?

Big river and open water systems across Europe

2Favourite season of the year?


3Pre-baited spot of instant fishing?


4Favourite rig?

Line aligner rig with various bait type

5Favourite PolePosition item?

Impossible to choose one particular product, but the Central Shocker Lead & Central Shocker Leadclip are top 10!

6Personal Best?


7Three things you wouldn’t go fishing without?

Of course next to my fishing gear the Pole Position end tackle, good quality bait and a boat equipped with echosounder!

Team angler

Martijn van Ommen

Date of birth: 21-08-1979

Quick Questions

1Favourite venue?

Big gravelpits with dept, weed and plateaus.

2Favourite season of the year?

Every season has his own kind of charm. But after a long winter, this must be for me the spring.

3Pre-baited spot of instant fishing?

I like to pre-baits my spots. But there are also moments that I like to go fishing instant when the fish are showing themselves

4Favourite rig?

For 80 percent of my fishery I’ll those for a combi rig whit a heavy sinker. That is when a pre-bait my spots.

5Favourite PolePosition item?

It is a little product but I’ll use it a lot, this is the heavy sinker

6Personal Best?

A 29.8 kilo common carp from the river Rhône

7Three things you wouldn’t go fishing without?

-boat with fishfinder


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